Mattie Does Not Need the Blue Pills
Well, that was... unexpected. And pleasantly so! For all of the worry, the stress, the fear... well, it wasn't that close. To be sure, no one felt it would be such a margin of victory, or even a victory, even with the economic indicators being what they are. But, as the night went on, fear and worry was replaced by anticipation -- could they call tonight? Would they? Indeed they did; I went to bed at 3 -- a second Victory Christian gin and tonic in me -- and when I woke up at 7, I didn't feel tired, and indeed, I felt good all morning...
I hate to rain on the parade, but I cannot help but think that this is more an anti-Biden/Harris vote than a pro-Trump vote. OK, lots of people voted for Trump because they liked him, but I suspect many people voted for him in spite of the man; people are just fed up with the high prices and everything, and that was that. Not that I am complaining, but voters are fickle, and if we do not deliver...
In the meantime, Sherrod Brown is gone, which was the first Victory Christian gin and tonic. I never thought I would see the day, but it was glorious, though... Trump won Ohio by +13, and Bernie won by +4, so...I am glad he won, but that is somewhat troubling to me, that despite everything, barely half of Ohioans want to be rid of wifebeater populist with five homes and lives in a gated community.
You know... we almost pulled out Senate wins in WI and MI. For all we spent on Montana and Ohio, maybe, just maybe, some of the dough we spent on those races could have been re-directed elsewhere. To be sure, no one expected the red wave (after the blue wave of 2022), and everyone felt that even PA was a reach. But... to have had 54 seats would have been awesome, especially in the next cycle, when more blue states are at play. I guess I will just have to console myself with liberal tears. Really. No one ever offered me anything when they doubled my health care, sent my grocery bills through the roof, killed children in my name and with my tax dollars...GOPers really should be going around and just mocking these people into seppuku just for giggles n' shits.
Trump Humiliated His Foes and Proved He's A Force of History - POLITICO
Dare I say the man is...awesome? Who doesn't want to do this?
Revenge of the Silent Male Voter
Isn't this fair? Men have suffered under Biden, and we are constantly blamed for everything, even when it is the fault of idiot liberals. Why should we not band together -- like the bros we are! -- and come together for the USA, the Donald, and...well, Jesus and the Holy Spirit? I wonder if this can be kept up, but if it can would be wonderful.
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