Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Duck Soup

And here we are in 2025!  Very exciting.  Sunday vibe today -- woke up early, went to Mass (Holy Day of Obligation, reminds the public school graduate), gym, couple of friends, my sister's for lunch, then home, but I stopped to clean the garage and make some room for the work crews for the bathroom; basically they want space for storing stuff (and maybe work) so I moved some of the random crap on the left side of the garage.  Some empty boxes to be taken to the recycling bins or used here, some crap to be thrown away... eventually I got cold and stopped, but I will do a bit tomorrow.  Funny; I have been talking about cleaning the garage for a while -- time, effort, practicality being reasons against -- but now I can do at least the basics.  Ok, slothful, not funny, but...

I got home -- if you will -- to watch the Buckeyes, and, like everyone else in Ohio (and elsewhere), I had to ask... where was this against Michigan?  I mean, I do not have psychotic obsession some fans do -- my team beats their rivals sometimes -- but it was glaring, jarring, and simply to consider what this team has done recently...mind you, Michigan -- playing backups, it seems -- beat Alabama, capping off a good week for the Big Ten against the SEC and quenching (for three days) the discussion that 'Bama should have been in the playoff.  It could be that on some level Ryan Day is coaching for his job, and that is...good.

I watched a documentary about "Freaks and Geeks" last nite, and it was quite good and interesting.  I remember watching the show -- intermittently -- in college, and on the one hand, I was like "Gee, I should watch it all again," as it certainly had star power, and I remember liking it.  On the other hand, I have more than enough to watch as it is!  Then I got to thinking that two of the shows I liked -- "Arrested Development" and then "Freaks and Geeks" -- were not exactly network favorites.  This says something about me, I am sure.  I guess the one network president was correct -- some shows, good as they may be, should not be on network television.

Another documentary I watched tonight was "This Is Not Financial Advice,: which basically follows a bunch of people who trade in crypto, and the... vast swings and lifestyle changes it brings.  It was interesting, though my thoughts were 1) If people want to gamble away their money, we should let them, as we do for casinos, booze, and cigarettes; and 2) I guess I do not have the stones to weather the ups and downs, and that is ok.

The idea that the latest terrorist attack was done by an American... on the one hand, I think we all know that Trump is going to run with this, and to be sure, we do need to secure the border...and this will make it easier for him to do so, and ban Muslims, and all of the greatest hits from term one.  On the other hand...something is wrong if Americans are going over to ISIS, and I am not sure how we can cure that.


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