Le Tits Now
The Browns won, surprisingly. More surprising to me is the fact that anyone was at the game, considering the weather. I know I am not a winter or football guy, but you could not pay me to attend that game. I stayed in -- busy at work, duty past six, and then I did the yeoman's duty of selecting my health care package for 2025and watching part two of the Leonardo series. Very interesting, but again, I wonder what we lost by him running around the countryside and writing backwards and not just painting. Funny; I have a bunch of things to watch on the Tivo, a pile of movies and such to go through, and a pile of links to get through. All it takes, of course, is time, and I tend not to have it, to say nothing of the whole book list. Sigh. I also have a small pile of food pantry and SVDP District stuff to do, too. Sigh and sigh.
I wonder how much snow we will get; supposedly it will melt off tomorrow, but then there will be rain, and a cold one, at that. Yuck. I am already dreading OC duty, not the idea of it, but the weather -- if it is cold and rainy (and I am often at the front) it will not be fun. Heck, we have clothes out the wazoo that need to go, and the blankets have to be handed out, as there are plans for coats/hats/gloves in December, and we really do not have the space for them. I was too busy today and forgot to ask about the produce order, so...we will be surprised Saturday.
Gaetz went quickly and quietly; funny, this AM I was talking with a coworker and we were identifying no votes, and we got three of the names floated around. I think Bondi is a solid choice -- has experience, is conservative, has no baggage -- which leads one to wonder why she wasn't selected in the first place? I mean, the sniping would have been reserved to her role as Trump's council, and not the crapstorm of Gaetz. I think he goes back to Congress, lest he get his dirty laundry exposed, but if not, there is always Newsmax.
I have eggs that are past date but not smelly so I decided to scramble a couple with my baked potato for dinner. I don't want to brag, but while I usually muck them up, I think they were perfect today -- a smattering of salt and pepper, some milk, and some olive oil (didn't want to break up frozen butter). I had them just right today, so much so that I am going to try again tomorrow. Speaking of shit to do -- the restaurant list isn't getting any smaller, and I do have a pile of restaurant gift cards on my desk...
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