Tuesday, December 03, 2024


Weird; sort of have this cold, mainly from not getting enough sleep and the change in weather, but I feel mostly fine -- bit of a sniffle, bit cold, but other than that.  I had planned on going to bed early last night but of course that didn't happen, as I had health care claims for the HSA, an Xmas list to create and get out, SVDP stuff to do, and of course some work.  Rah!  Tonight, I just might get to bed early, as one benefit of doing everything yesterday means today all is off the table, if you will. I still have to schedule a training mission for ServWare client management software -- harder than I thought -- but this juggling issue will eventually get settled.

Had an MD appointment today, and it was...fine?  I have slight anemia, need to take folic acid, but all else is well.  The MD noted that despite having diabetes for a very long time, I was in very good health, which he attributed to my taking care of myself.  I guess that is true -- or at least I try to -- but on the other hand... well, he is not the first medical professional to make such a comment to me, which makes me wonder.  Either 1) most other diabetics are fuckups (which I find hard to believe) or 2) they are over-estimating the number of diabetics who are fuckups (which I also find hard to believe).  Odd.  Maybe both are true?

Trump’s Return Heralds Litigation Peace for Crypto - WSJ
Is this necessarily a bad thing?  Not sure.  I mean, yes, I think a lot of crypto is scam heaven, but on the other hand, so is the lottery/casino gambling/many other things, and they are legal.  And -- much to the chagrin of SBF -- some people can lose their money and gain it back!  I guess my point is that if people know they can lose everything in this shadowy world, and people want to invest anyways... that's ok?  I guess I would prefer a system where the obvious scams are prosecuted, but the great mass of people are allowed to gamble as they wish, provided, of course, they are aware of the risks.


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