Friday, January 03, 2025

A Sense of Progress

Progress continues on the bathroom!  It looks pretty stripped in there now, actually; everything seems to be out, including much of the drywall -- pretty much just studs now.  Carpenter will come Monday to finish the demo and start on the next steps, mainly adjusting the exposed studs (where the pony wall was) and rebuilding some of the framework around the shower and the ceiling.  I guess this is good; I am not tired yet of going downstairs to use the bathroom, as if anything, I am fat and need the steps!  

My plans for tomorrow were cancelled, and this is...fine.  Funny; I have been home the past two days -- Thursday I wasn't feeling well and thus skipped the gym and stayed in, even getting a bit more sleep.  Today, of course, I wasn't going anywhere due to the weather; I mean, it was coming down a few times today (my driveway was plowed, even!), and I decided that discretion was the better part of valor.  My Mom used to complain when she didn't get out for a few days, and I can see that, as I now feel the same way (sort of); I want to get an Aldi run in, I want to hit the grocery store, maybe a few other errands, to say nothing of the gym.  And do some contract work... and, of course, maybe watch some films.  

Today's film was "The Lost King," about the discovery of the remains of Richard III.  Quite good -- basically he was found by an amateur historian who -- derided by everyone in the profession -- did the legwork and tracked down some of the possible places he ended up.  Also told in the film is the revisionist history of Richard III -- not a hunchback, maybe not so evil as put out by Shakespeare and others, etc.  Funny; I watched the PBS special about the historian's next cause -- what happened to the Princes in the Tower -- and lo and behold, the next book on the pile is hers about this (hint:  she thinks they lived).  Awesome, even if people are not as sold on this.  I need to finish my current tome today, not only to get some reading done, but to start the next one.

The Speaker vote it me, or was this a bit of unnecessary drama?  I mean, we really don't have the votes for this, and with POTUS behind Johnson... I do get the point that the "rebels" have about cutting deals with Dems, cutting spending, etc., but I think the man has done the best he could, and now, with the narrow GOP majority, we might be able to achieve some things.  I don't necessarily things are better, but I would like to think the gravity of the situation, if you will, will impel them to do things -- and to be smart about doing them.  


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