Saturday, January 18, 2025


Last night I decided to let my hair down, if you will, and went out to Lakewood for Emo Night at the Foundry.  And it was...glorious!  I sort of needed it -- my house is a mess (a good mess, and the bathroom is coming along), but the disorder to my life is evident.  Work has been fine but I am still worried about it being a new job and all.  The car was a scare (and I am hoping it still works).  The weather has been -- and will be -- meh.  In other words, I needed some Matt time, and going and listening for four hours to the greatest songs of my era was the just the prescription.  I knew pretty much every song, and while I couldn't but feel a bit old in that some of these were a generation ago...  well, it was fine.  Of course, I got in late, couldn't go back to bed right away and then today I was up fairly early -- I had OC duty of a sort (had to help set up for the toy drive, write some checks), then some errands...  Grocery shopping and it was quite the zoo; I think everyone knows that a cold spell is coming and people want to stock up before it arrives.  This is completely understandable but it was amusing; it is only three days...that said, I have apples, oranges, pop, and squash til Doomsday, almost.  Hell, I have the oven on now to bake a few potatoes that I still have from a weeks ago!  

The point is that I am dragging today; I already nodded off once, and I probably make some coffee to boost my energy.  To be sure, I had some emails and stuff to get out, and I read a few articles and thing (we know I like empty bookmark lists), but I have not done a quarter (give or take) of what I had wanted to do.  Early to bed I hope, and I can get some energy tomorrow... there should be time for a movie tonight, and some reading, but... meh.  Mind you, today is the best day for a week or so; I can only imagine how I will feel tomorrow.

How Biden’s Inner Circle Protected a Faltering President - The New York Times
Johnson: Here's When I Knew Biden Wasn't Running Anything – HotAir
These articles have gained quite a bit of traction on the right, and I think that is quite valid -- not only do we have to call out the Dems who let this happen, we need to call out the press that let it happen.  Hell, punishment should be on the cards, I feel, as I think -- truly -- that this is as much of a Constitutional crisis as January 6 -- an end run around the normal processes of government -- and it must never be allowed to happen again.


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