You know, it is warmer -- perceptibly so -- now than it was this morning. I went out to shovel the walk and lay down rock salt for the contracting crew, and today was the worst by far! Oi. Between this and all of the snow down South, I don't want to hear about global warming anytime soon. Or, for that matter, at all! Anyways, good progress on the bathroom today, as the floor was laid (and it looks good), the vanity was installed, the main light fixture was installed, and the paint is fully dry. Hell, they even brought a new register for the furnace hole. All in all, I was quite pleased. The plumbing has to be set up, the toilet installed, etc., but... well, as Churchill, it is the end of the beginning.
Speaking of, President Awesome (I so love bringing that phrase back from the...dead? Netherworld? Pasture?) was on another tear today, and between his actions and the reactions it was caused...well, God is good. I think the appearance at the Episcopal church service was an unforced error, though a real politician would have mentioned that the lady didn't pray for victims of infanticide, crimes by illegal immigrants, or any other of a dozen groups. Hell, he should have said that the next time he goes to an ecumenical prayer service, he will be going to a real church, which would have been a kick. Hell, it would be more of a kick if he showed up at one of those semi-renegade Latin Masses across DC. Trolling the Pope and the new Cardinal, what could be better?
Scott Jennings Illuminates His Colleagues: Trump IS Biden’s Legacy
This is pretty funny, and why Scott Jennings has become the cause celebre on the right. More seriously, though; when are we going to start investigating the Dems about this?
How Gettysburg Became a Refuge for Conservatives Battered by Trump-Era Strife - POLITICO
Interesting article. Honestly, I think the author sort of gets to the point here; in the beginning it was about heritage and culture, and in some ways it still is, but a lot of is people trying to figure out what made their ancestors/fellow Americans go out, take up rifles, eat crappy, and march 1,000s of miles for something...abstract. I am in the middle of Jaffa's A New Birth of Freedom now and while that gets to a part of it -- Lincoln was good at putting the abstract into something real -- it doesn't get there all the way, and I don't think there is anything that will...
How the Women's March lost steam - POLITICO
I don't know; I have seen pictures of a lot of these ladies (I use the term loosely), and I think that "seconds" would regain their...movement. :P Ok, more seriously, one issue that no one seems to talk about -- even remotely -- is by how much women, the poor, minority women (ok, all of us) have suffered economically during the Bidenomics era. If you're struggling to put food on the table, keep the lights on, and control credit card time for marching. Again, we in the GOP should be all over this.
The Rise of Young Republicans on America’s College Campuses - WSJ
Snicker, snicker, snicker.
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