Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Mattie plows through

Guess what I didn't do tonight?  That's right, clean and rearrange the living room!  Done plenty of other things (skipped gym due to the weather, ugh), like worked a bit, sent out some emails, handled food pantry and SVDP stuff, even read a few articles.  Hell, I even have Duke on in the background!  So while this is not a disaster (I have gotten shit done) I still feel that I should have done some actual adult work.  Alas.

Ilhan Omar DID marry her brother, reveals Somali community leader | Daily Mail Online
This story amuses the hell out of me, for many reasons, from the multiple husbands, the marrying her brother, the constant scolding of US policy, the fact that she would have been thrown off the top of a building elsewhere in the Muslim world, etc.  Now, I don't think that they will have the stones to deport her, or put her in prison for immigration fraud, but considering all else the government is doing...well, a boy can dream.

New Housing Does Not Have to Be Affordable, Which is Good News
Dare I say this is exactly correct?  This is why I hate seeing all of this space being used for...well, lawns?  Commercial properties that turn over so much?  I am not expecting apartment complexes on every corner, but we should be putting up houses where all of these smoke shops and empty buildings currently reside.  I realize that the actual number of houses would be few, but if every suburb added say, 50 units...well, it would be the sort of thing that helped the housing market without necessarily bringing down property values.

Canned foods are convenient, affordable and nutritious. Why do they have a bad reputation?
Interesting; I think I prefer frozen (you can heat them up better, I think) but I do rotate canned goods in every so often -- two bags of frozen to one can.  I try to use the low-sodium varieties, as well; not that I am old, but I do try to watch what I eat.  Funny; I have been eating spaghetti squash for lunch and made a corn and peppers casserole for dinner (which has lasted a couple of days).  Not intentionally going vegan, but it is economical (and we all know how I feel about that -- especially after paying the gas bill) and healthier than most meals, so...  I can virtue signal even to myself!


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