Exhausted by the Winning
So, I got in touch with the pipe guy, and the estimate (not a quote, as who knows what they will find, and I know that) is on the way; I will make a deposit once it arrives and I will be on the schedule -- expedited (in so far as the weather allows) due to the referral from the bathroom people. As good as we can do, I guess. Rah.
Funny, sort of; I was trying to get dinner with a friend, he was noncommittal, and at the end of the day, I decided not to push it -- didn't want to run afoul of the ice storm that is coming. I was a bit peeved, though it was probably better I stayed home and handled stuff. Not that I started actual work on fixing the house, and I need to grocery shop after the gym tomorrow, but... adulting is full of unpleasant opportunity costs, if you will. At least I witnessed an easy Duke win in the background.
Trump Unveils Exciting, Never-Before-Tried Strategy Of Having America Take Over Country In The Middle East | Babylon Bee
This was certainly an interesting proposal, to put it mildly. My first thought is that the Donald is angling for the Muslim world -- who have caused much of this mess, one way or the other -- to pay for a good share of the rebuilding. If you think about it, one of the big successes of Trump 45 was normalizing Israel within some of the countries in the region, and if he can leverage that... then I told one of my friends in the LGBTQ community that he should be glad if Trump does this, as this way it would be a corner of the world where they didn't want to bounce him off the top of a building. He was less than amused. On the other hand, behold our 55th state!
Mike Johnson’s budget plan is at risk of collapse - POLITICO
This is... not good. I mean, I realize the narrow majority -- and the divergent priorities of this majority -- are going to make passing anything besides gas the challenge, but... given the success of the President in steamrolling everything else, I am a little surprised he cannot get some discipline in this Congress, especially the House; I get the feeling the Senate has its shit together, if you will, and can get something done. Maybe sending the House to Gaza might smack some sense into them.
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