Oh, the irony...mainly, I nodded off and here I am, 12:30 at night, blogging away. To be sure, I needed the nap, but I think it will be a poor substitute for sleep. Also, the stuff that I had planned to do and wanted/needed to do did not get done. Alas. Tomorrow is another day. Also, I saved J! to watch for later -- I worked late today (yesterday) because I have a meeting tomorrow (today) that I am planning/hosting so I need to leave promptly at 5. Sigh. Adulting is hard, leadership is hard, social justice is hard!
I went to Acme on a late lunch to get some stuff (beverages) for the meeting and as I had a taste for a rotisserie chicken, I bought one there. And it was...ok. I mean, not bad, and not dry, but it was modestly flavored. Not too expensive, FWIW. Not sure if I should go somewhere else or eat some healthy salmon next. At least I have almost everything I need -- gotta make some copies at the library -- for tomorrow's fest, which will be a big push. Not a fan of winter meetings -- the thought of snow suppressing attendance makes me antsy -- but the Conferences want one, so here we are. I mean, it should be fine, but I do tend to worry about these sorts of things. As one of my friends likes to say, I have a Mother Hen complex.
Elon Musk Now Has 13 Children. A Conservative Pro-Family Scholar Says He’s Missing Something. - POLITICO
Interesting. I know people feel that the old, culturally conservative right is dead, but I do not think that is the case; maybe the new wing is ascendant, but the old tried and true are not going away, and they still provide a significant hunk of the Trump base. Also, the science is settled about this, as the Left likes to say, so...
Trump Signals U.S. Ready To Forgive Ukraine For Invading Russia | Babylon Bee
This could be me, but I got a distinct sense of Munich when I heard the latest broadside from Trumpworld. I mean, if this was some elaborate charade to lure Putin into negotiations and then expect actual security for Ukraine, I would be incredibly impressed, but I think we know that that is probably not going to be the case. Not that I care about the Europeans, but I can see how they -- and the Ukrainians -- would object to the entire scheme. Nor does anyone really think that this will help end the war, do they?
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