Saturday, January 21, 2006

Child-care central

Yes, the void in my life caused by D's trip to LA has been most ably filled by my niece, who is spending the nite at Chateau Mattie. Dinner at the Hard Rock. She talked the entire time, no surprise. In the meantime, all is fine, where Gilmore Girls Season 5 on DVD has been replaced by some totally gay (I mean, more totally gay than GG) Disney movie, about a musical. I cannot believe my life has sunk to this. By the end of the nite, I'll be broke and out of Chex Mix. At least this is good, Vatican-approved birth control.

I cannot believe the little contretemps about Senator Carpetbag and her plantation comments. Namely, there hasn't been more of one. Not only was she totally out of line (not that we expected a new level of classlessness from a Clinton), but it seems she was slightly ignorant of historical fact. I went to public school, and I seem to remember it was a bunch of Democrats who created and maintained the plantation system. Many of these Democraps were from...Arkansas. I also vaguely remember some Republican...I think his name was Lincoln... putting an end to all this nonsense. I think reparations are in order to assuage my tortured soul.


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