Thursday, January 19, 2006

Movie review

So..."Searching for Comedy in the Muslim World" was better than I thought. Starring Albert Brooks, it tells the story of a comedian (himself!) who goes to India and Pakistan to figure out what makes them laugh. The movie is quite humorous, in the Matt way, with sarcasm and irony and the requisite digs at the W administration, not that we didn't expect it.

I had won free passes, so I went with a bloody-heart coworker (she says she is not, but they all lie, don't they?). When we go there, the theater was practically full; some NPR station had been giving away free tickets. It was sort of like being the only white person in the building, but you are statistically safer in that situation. Fortunately, I avoided rapine, loss of cash and temporary insanity.

Also, the coworker with whom I attended this Filmfest... for her brother's bday, she is taking him to the...ballet. Yes, the ballet. This is worse than "Billy Elliott." She insists he likes it. Don't they all? I will try to intervene in this situation.

I also see that CA fried the old guy a couple of days ago. No crowds to protest the event; no Europeans ripping down Ahnuld nameplates; Jesse Jackson didn't take time from his busy schedule to protest. Was it b/c the executee was white? Old? Had bad hair? As they both killed four people, they were equally deserving, were they not? Liberals... is there no limit to their hypocrisy and stupidity? (No, there isn't, and we all know the answer.)


At 8:08 AM, Blogger Dr Will said...

good post. just as i think going to the movie surrounded by peace loving good hearted folks might rub off on you a little, you have to go and bring up the old guy. anyway, that sect of activism has to pick their battles for maximum public influence. I have no doubt that there were at least small protests outside that prison that day, but they cant tie their cause to some really bad guy. They need a symbol they can play with like Tookie. If they protested every execution like they did Tookie people would stop listening after the second one. The point of anti-death penalty activism is that it can potentially have the state kill an innocent person, and that even prisoners can contribute positive things to society.

At 2:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm curious - is it bleeding heart liberals (which I'm not) or women who lie all the time? Just want to know from which direction you're attacking.
Despite your little theory, my brother does want to go to the ballet, not just to impress some girl. :)

At 6:17 PM, Blogger mattie9 said...

Dear WWE:

Are we throwing down, NPR/Fox News style, over this? I was going to wait until you got home. Glad to see you made it in one piece.

Anyways, isn't it a little odd that the best use for prisoners is as tokens for liberalism? If the death penalty is wrong, should we not protest every execution equally? People would stop listening not b/c it's wrong, but because the people are scum, and they deserve it, kiddie lit or not.

P.S. I like the WWE radio; you have fine taste (in music).


Both. :) And those of us in the vast, right-wing conspiracy can attack in multiple directions simultaneously. It is really quite fantabulous.


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