Saturday, February 22, 2025

Productive but Not Enough

Interesting day.  Busy day! First was OC duty, and it was... odd.  The count was 122 -- not exactly a record, but I think the cold, the wet snow (hard to walk through), and the clients (mostly good but a bit grabby).  We did move a lot of stuff today, mainly because it was the first day we could put out stuff; it was just cold.  So I was pleased?  Mainly, of course, because I am now done with managing till May, though I will place the order for Monday.  Phew.  

Then off to the gym and a couple of errands -- not as many as I would have liked because the blood sugar was low (also skipping cardio, sigh), but it was good to lift.  Odd, that after OC duty I want to work out, but... yes.  I made sure I got home in the PM because a friend was supposed to come over, but of course, he had to cancel (this seems to be thing, which I get, but...).  Oi.  I got to take a nap at least, in so far as I nodded off.  Alas.  Next up was to catch up on some work, which was fine, but I didn't the Matt stuff I wanted, like hang the shower curtain and do some OC paperwork/pay some bills.  Tomorrow is another day, but I do need to clamp down and get that stuff done.  I also neglected to watch the backlog of J! episodes.  Oops.

Earmarks another victim of Trump spending freeze - E&E News by POLITICO
Given that the GOP is running the show, it is appalling that there are any earmarks.  When I wonder if there are any real GOPers in the government... this is why.

The private GOP panic over the slash-and-burn DOGE firings - POLITICO
Dare I say that there is some merit in this?  I mean, cutting foreign aid and the arts and such is fine, but there should be some process to this, something explainable.  I mean, I don't doubt that there are too many government employees, and they need to be culled, but...on the other hand, we are $36 trillion in the hole, and there is no really getting around that.

I was flipping between the Duke-Illini game and "Sargeant York..." Duke had quite the win, which I did not expect.  Given the state of the ACC this year, everyone was looking forward to the game to get an objective look, if you will, at the Blue Devils.  But it was impressive beyond belief!  Back to Gary Cooper... dare I say the movie really holds up?  I mean, yes, the combat scenes are staged, and yes, the first half is a bit stilted, but as a story about a man wrestling with his conscience -- and going forth with the decision, it is really quite American.


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