That Escalated Quickly
As many of you may have surmised, I was away last week -- I was in Vegas for work, as it was the International Builders Show and it was decided that I should attend. Odd, as I never attended in first career, but now... well, it was good and fun and educational. I learned a lot, talked to a lot of people, attending some seminars, etc... I am also dragging a bit and I have not yet caught up with all of the work I was doing before I left, and this just added to it. Alas. My boss hates Vegas, and I can sort of see why. It is very American -- everything has a price, it is loud and garish and expensive, full of hard workers, but sort of vulgar and cheap, with everyone trying to screw you over. I guess once in a while is fine, but... at least my flights home were smooth (I will never get used to flying), I finished a book, and my expenses were reimbursed.
Today I was...well, busy with work -- didn't hit the gym -- and I am a bit tired (why I am up now is an open question). I just had a PB&J, walked a bit, and started catching up on what I missed doing during the week (mostly). Also...the bathroom is fully fixed; they laid the pipe Thursday (my sister served as project manager) and while it was a bit costlier than I expected -- two drain lines had to be laid -- it is done. I have flushed a few times -- no water in the basement, and while a hot bath will have to wait... well, so far so good. I will have to be tighter than usual (imagine that) as I want to pay down these bills, but... at least I am not running downstairs all the time. I do have more to do, house-wise, but we will survive.
Americans Are Stuck. Who's to Blame? - The Atlantic
When even The Atlantic is saying that the left has caused more problems than it solved...
Only fools think Elon is incompetent - by Noah Smith
I don't know if this is as big of a deal as they think; people on both sides do this all the time, facts be damned, and... I suspect this is part of it. Of course, as I like to say, we are $36T in the hole, so no idea is too crazy, and no cut in spending is... well, a good start.
Am I missing something here, or was today's presser between the Presidents...a hot mess? I mean, it is one thing to think some things, but it is another to say them out does no good for anyone -- the Ukraine, the GOP, the Europeans, and those concerned about the Russians, who will be more empowered than ever. Not sure what the end game here; yes, we want the war to end, yes, we want as many of the Ukrainian resources as possible, yet we want the Europeans to do their fair share, but I am not sure what went on today helps any of this happen. Sad.
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