Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Times

I do so love the New York Times. Not only is it liberal fishwrap, but I think the Editorial Board suffers from collective schizophrenia. Today's entries include the usual Bob Herbert rant about how everything to the right of Che is evil and wrong; a more common-sense column by David Brooks explaining the values gap (which seems to be the current locale for everyone else on the NYT); a column by a DA gently mocking the carping of those who claim the innocence of everyone under the sun; and a column by the Clinton ambassador to France on why the death penalty is wrong, and those Europeans, who invented the Holocaust, are correct.

Spent the evening at the West Side Catholic Center for the quarterly Theology of Tap meeting (Kessla- your sister-in-law says hi). This is sort of what our food bank committee would like to see the Ozanam Center become, a place where numerous social services can be provided to people with varying needs. While this would be nice, I am not seeing in the near forseeable future, since, for one thing, their budget of $1.2 million exceeds ours by about, oh, $1.1 million, or more. To say nothing of space and clientele issues. Still, I learned much, and I do hope we can expand our services to provide both immediate and long-term assistance.

I assure you, we will be more reactionary tomorrow; sounding like a bleeding heart now...



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