Sunday, July 16, 2017

Old and new

One thing I enjoy when reading is the relevance of the stuff on the page to the here and now...Jay Sekulow is getting mentioned for his legal work with the Christian Coalition and such...I was like, interesting...  I mean, I read it, but here it is...

Hit 570 on the film list yesterday.  "Show People" was the first -- late silent, fairly humorous, about a star who has to rediscover her roots to find happiness.  Lots of cameos from the stars of the day -- sort of an insider piece, if you will.  The other thing I liked is how it showed the randomness of an acting career...people literally made a couple of favorable impressions and got jobs somewhere.  The other film was the Spanish version of "Dracula" from 1931... I listened to some of the commentary -- same set, they filmed AFTER the English people left...pretty cool.  Different actors -- the Lugosi replacement was a different scary, and I did like how the actress they had on mentioned that -- in addition to Latin people being more emotive -- they put the female actresses in low-cut dresses that Anglo audiences couldn't see.  Lest the telenovelas are a new phenomenon...

Not much sleep last nite -- for a bunch of reasons, none of them good or exciting -- and the weekend caffeine deficit means I am dragging.  I suspect cutting the grass didn't help (rain is coming, I guess) since I got a nice hour (give or take) in the sun.  Alas.  Should try to sleep today, as winter is coming this week...


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