I crashed hard last night; I nodded off on the floor after J! for about an hour (is it me, or have the FJs been rather easy lately?). I then woke up, shut the tree lights off (I hadn't put them on in a while, and they looked quite good), and then did some stuff online -- checking emails, the Net, the like -- before I decided the discretion was the better part of valor and went to bed about 10:30. Funny; I got extra blankets and such to really warm up, because I have noted it helps me sleep -- how often have you went to bed and then laid there unable to do so? Well, I had no such issues last night. I even rolled over after my alarm before finally waking at 8:30. This was a later start to my day -- bad for many reasons -- but I did need the rest.
Finally finished the Wilentz book -- #1 for the year -- and I will start the next today. I think 50 is a fine goal but I should be able to read more, as the list expands, I like reading, etc.; of course, work and life intervene, but... still, I should be able to get more books in. I guess one "advantage" of this ongoing stomach rumbling is that there is more time for... reading, if you will.
The Vatican desperately tries to clean up a mess of its own making (
I find this amusing for many reasons, mainly, of course, for the obvious one, that it IS a mess and should not have been made. Also, given the objections in Africa (where the growth and increasing numbers of priests are) and the US (where the money comes from), someone should have at least thought of that before proceeding. No one -- save for me -- has yet to notice that our Jesuit pope (the order with one of the highest number of sex abuse claims) is going around a making a moral defense of this behavior... and don't tell me that some Jesuit won't use this latest Papal proclamation to make those claims. Sooner or later this will happen, and if I were a betting man, I would take "sooner."
However, we need not look that far to find similar idiocy, as down in Columbus, Governor RINO-Mike -- facing a veto override -- issued an executive order that bans what he previously allowed. Now, I don't know what is going to happen; my sneaky suspicious sense is that the GOP has the votes to override the veto, but DeWine doesn't want that to happen, and this may call off the dogs of war. I am not sure that it will, though, in which case...the man will get all the egg on his face that he deserves.
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