SOTU baby! Dare I say it was...long? I mean, as President of the 40-minute Mass society I am of course going to say that, but...I have a cold! Early Mass tomorrow! It was a long day! More seriously, the speech was... good? It does seem that the President has a good time at these things -- making fun of Elizabeth Warren, the Kennedy reference, the "How's that work out line," all of them were hilarious, and you could see the Dems really didn't know how to react. Back to the speech... mainly the usual hits? Immigration, economic platitudes, a defense of DOGE (shouldn't we mention the fall in 10-year Treasuries, and thus mortgage rates)... Al Green getting kicked out was a bit much; you would think the GOP would figure out a way to cut some load of funds from his district, just to ensure decorum in the future. I should be watching the Dem response, but I have a blog to post, and then to bed.
Funny; I had an MD appointment today, and he said I sounded like I had bronchitis (which I do not think I do), so I had a very thorough exam, followed by a discussion of the fact that on the one hand, I am of the age (and with the diabetes) I should be seeing a specialist, but on the other hand, I am fairly healthy, all things considered, so... I mean, I guess I should see them now to make sure everything is ok, but... one must do one's part to keep health care costs down. One downside was the visit was longer, so I just went to the local bakery for my paczki, instead of a Polish one for an actual one. Alas.
Is Domino’s pizza inflation-proof? - The Hustle
Interesting; I mean, I don't really eat/order that much pizza, so I was not aware of the price stability here, but...
Interesting; I mean, I don't really eat/order that much pizza, so I was not aware of the price stability here, but...
Republican governors tried to slash state budgets. They have advice for Elon Musk. - POLITICO
Quite right? I mean, if you are deleting items from your lists everyday and such, you sound foolish, whereas if you can provide -- as they have done at times -- lists of wasteful spending and the savings to the taxpayers...well, that is something that better withstands attack.
Quite right? I mean, if you are deleting items from your lists everyday and such, you sound foolish, whereas if you can provide -- as they have done at times -- lists of wasteful spending and the savings to the taxpayers...well, that is something that better withstands attack.
Trump’s Barrage of Executive Orders Overwhelms Opponents - WSJ
This could be me, but no one in his first term ever took high school government? Not knowing what the Supreme Court does is...highly odd. I will admit that this second time around, it is really...good. I guess this is the price of experience.
This could be me, but no one in his first term ever took high school government? Not knowing what the Supreme Court does is...highly odd. I will admit that this second time around, it is really...good. I guess this is the price of experience.
My Afternoon With the 'Normal Gay Guys' Who Voted for Trump | GQ
I was not exactly sure what to think of this, but it was funny as hell, at the very least.
I was not exactly sure what to think of this, but it was funny as hell, at the very least.
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