Monday, January 30, 2006

Oh, the comedy

I have now read in a couple of places that Cindy Sheehan is planning on running for the Senate...and will challenge Diane Feinstein to do so. This is pretty funny; I bet Karl Rove and the braintrust will be laughing their dupas off over this one. I don't really see the Democraps gaining anything by this, and I can easily imagine a 1,000 commercials about this. Hillary Clinton is more pro-war that Dianne; I do wonder why Cindy isn't going that way.

This starts Catholic Schools Week. Don't drop the soap, kids.

Relatedly, Rick Santorum was within ten in one poll I read about. Coming from behind, it's what Santorum is all about.

I do love the State of the Union address. One of my favorite times occurred a couple of years, before the speech, when the camera zoned in on Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Tex); one of the more bleeding-heart libs out there. Her and her ilk were cramming the aisle seats to get a pic with the president, which is funny, since they are as TGTF as they come. Anyways, Peter Jennings was telling everyone how her and her staff live about four blocks from capital; everyday they use a special SUV to get to and from the Hill. I almost spazzed, since 1) If the Dems are the party of the environment, shouldn't they save the air and hoof it; and 2) If you've seen the woman, well, Sheila could stand eight blocks of walking a day, if you get my drift.


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