Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Load to the Face

I suspect one of the big reasons why the myth of Keynesian persists is that people believe that when something bad happens, of course, one must go and DO something...anything.  Such things are often ineffective or worse, but damn it, you feel so much better...and if you exponentially magnify this, you get government intervention in the economy...which causes worse dislocations the nxt time, which involves more doing and feeling and there you are.  If one took a look back at the depressions of the past, they generally didn't last long; they were deep and painful, of course, but once the unproductive elements of the economy were culled, what was left was able to grow and prosper.

Oddly enough, today's Netflix arrival was "The Iron Lady."  It was quite good...I didn't expect the unflattering look at dementia, but you really expect Hollywood to say anything nice about her?  And they did...if you were like me and could disconnect that, what was left was a ringing endorsement of her...her life, her actions, her politics, and what she stood for.  Towards, her speech about taxation -- why everyone has to pay at the same rate -- well, it was textbook. 

I've noticed water in the basement over the past couple of days; this AM there seemed to be a bit more than usual, and I divined that something was leaking upstairs.  Sure enough -- Lord knows how -- one of the toilet valves had been turned and water was seeping out.  Even though I was fully dressed for work, I got down on the floor -- all turned around -- and attempted to twist the value shut. Well, I guessed wrongly, and in full comedic fashion...I took a big, wet blast to my face...and another and another.  Eventually, I got the thing closed, and Chateau Mattie's lower level is much drier, but I could not help but chuckle all the way work.


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