Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Phoenix

I must ask...what is it about the Obama Administration -- and any branch of the Kennedy clan -- that brings out whores, moral deviancy, and coverups?  Oh, that's right...the Obama Administration and the Kennedy clan.

Anyways, with myspace inaccessible to me, we are going back to the original...sort of like Mitch Daniels going back to his wife, I guess.  Anyways, here we are.

I watched "Traffic in Souls" today, the silent classic about the efforts to combat the white slave trade (which forced women into prostitution), insofar as it existed.  Being a silent film, it was possible to watch it with the online commentary, which mainly talked about the cultural influence of the film and the host of films it generated, because, shockingly, people flocked to the genre.  Ok, I am not really surprised, given that Hollywood wasn't any less dumb then; people want sex, and preferably tawdry types, and the infinitestimally theoretical horror of white slavery certainly put people in the seats.  Back to the commentary, I didn't find the usual drivel about race, class, gender, sexuality, and rural/urban divide to be too cloying, mainly because this was one of the times it fit.

I note that the Nationals have NOT announced a starter for sort of hopes it will be Strasburg, as it would be good to see him, if not so good for him to cut the Tribe into ribbons.


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