Saturday, February 04, 2006

One more...

Took the niece to the Barons game today- the top minor league affiliate of the San Jose Sharks. As you may know, the Barons, due to a lack of fan interest (or poor marketing) and profitability, will be moving to Worcester, MA after this season. As we also know, the Pittsburgh Penguins of the NHL may be moving after 2007. I would think it would be nice if an effort could be made to move the team here. Yes, having the Pittstucky leftovers here would be like marrying the town whore- you are happy she knows what to do, but don't want to ruminate on how she got the knowledge. While Mayor Slumlord prolly has other plans, an NHL franchise would fill downtown on 40+ nites, improve the city image, and provide scores of new "customers" for the traffic cams that are such the cash cow for the city. I meant, um, safety cams.

I see the Muslims have reacted quite well to the caricatures of Mahomet. One would think some publishing wag in this country would have a contest to make some truly offensive pictures. It would prolly be a success here, since Americans have less tolerance for Muslim rage than Europeans, and most Americans would get a chuckle out of it.

I was going to make a jello for the Valentine's Day party at work, but will now try to make a Danish recipe in honor of our new friends in the War on Terror. Anyone with ideas?


At 8:40 PM, Blogger Dr Will said...

disagree on the hockey. the NHL is dead. theyd HOPE downtown would be full 40+ nights, but the tickets are outrageously priced in a league that has as much national interest as the Barons.

At 9:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...
A rare look at the world of Danish cuisine (I'm a fan of the pfeffernusse).

At 9:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

carlsberg. who the fuck needs cuisine when you have beer and hockey? ask the canucks.. eh?



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