Tuesday, January 31, 2006

SOTU, Part One

The following is a roughly minute-by-minute account of the SOTU. I watched it- of course- on Fox News.

9:00 Anchors lead off by telling us that Cindy Sheehan was detained (not arrested) for trying to display some sort of anti-war banner. Not surprisingly, she is a guest of Lynn Wolsey, who, call me crazy, is one of the more...unworthy...members of Congress.

9:05 President enters. I find it remarkably classy, especially after the latest news, that he leads off with the moving words about Coretta Scott King.

9:14 President takes the offensive about the war on terror. Seems to be directing comments to the Dems, which I love. I like the new emphasis on promoting democracy, especially the mention of the regimes in Iran, Burma, Zimbabwe, North Korea and Syria (which was #1). This is followed by a denunciation of Radical Islam. Liking it. Mentioning Beslan is a good touch. Overall, his speech about the war on terror is fine. It is also old news, as anyone who follows the president knows that the man is not backing down.

9:18 Three-part plan for Iraq. Again, those on the right have been paying attention. Gentle reminder to everyone else.

9:22 "We are winning." Good to hear him say it; everyone needs to know this, not that the liberal media will report it. Most of the applause is coming from the GOP side here. I like the comments about candor and responsible criticism. Wonder who this is meant for...

9:25 General acclimation for troops after reading of Marine letter. I wonder if they actually know what it means...

9:27...Hamas reference, also Iran. I think the Hamas stuff is right on, though I don;t think the rest of the world will follow through.. Itan stuff was a little weak.

9:30 Interesting about the role of the US in fighting global disease. Lots of money, but we rarely hear of it.

9:33 Homeland Security time. Good but not great discussion of the Patriot Act. I think the stressing of Constitutional and Presidential powers, while on the ball, is a little forced. Stressing the effects of the wiretaps, and the link to terror, is a safer bet.

9:35 Hilarity ensues. Fox flips to Hillary just when the president points out that in the past terrorists have struck and we did nothing to respond to them. She has this incredulous look. Uh, yeah, that was your husband (or you) who did nothing, HRC. Just remember this.

9:36 Nice talk about leading with values. Preach to the base, W. Then, on to the economy. Funny; things are going well- consumer confidence high, interest rates moderate, minimal inflation, unemployment at 5- but everyone is down. Nice slam on the European and Japanese economies, W...

Anyways...sleepy boy for me...we continue tomorrow.



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