Sunday, June 23, 2013


I have said it once, say it a 1,000 times...this would never work, as once the state stopped providing the welfare state, there would be no one to vote for it, and as Shaw said, those who rob Peter to pay Paul will always have the support of Paul.
So, I went to Columbus this weekend to see the Summerland tour -- Sponge, Filter, Live, and Everclear -- or as I said, bands that were cool a generation ago.  It was fun, but it did seem to have a vibe of people thrilled to have a sitter on a Friday nite, which is not quite my scene.  Live has a new lead singer, but you would NOT have known it...of course, it would have been to kill for to have seen them when I was 20; now, not so much. 
Going to Columbus has always had that Road to Perdition vibe for me; it's like you're leaving the cares and responsibilities of home...and I suspect some of it is the residual joy of my college days, and seeing the college crowd, and just hanging out and doing nothing.  The city has grown, especially the downtown; very different from when I knew it, but they still have the sea of one-way streets that make navigation difficult.  It was also PRIDE weekend, which was hilarious, except for getting downtown for lunch, which made it a painful chore, even moreso because the crowd drove like East Siders.
I would have liked to have stayed longer and seen more people, but it was off home to attend a surprise -- and it was -- fest for another 29+6 fest, which was lovely, aside from the fact that when I arrived home, after two days of festing and the heat and prolly crappy nutrition, I just died.  This was sort of good, but it wasn't like I felt refreshed when I awoke at 6:30 today.


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