Wednesday, July 03, 2013


Jesus, I should post more.  On to the news, surprise about Brad Stevens and the Celtics.  For one, the NCAA-NBA track record is not that good -- especially in Boston -- and two, why would Stevens leave a job from which he really couldn't be fired from?  I mean, really...  I guess it IS the Celtics and he is a good -- and innovative -- coach, and not some schmoozer like Calipari and the like.  Still, I am not sure that it will end well.

Team XI won PQ last nite.  It is our fourth in a row, and it was by four points, which is actually fairly big.  We got the missing link -- thanx, Dee -- and everyone had something to contribute.  I was cruelly mocked several times -- I knew the Maroon 5 song, and I knew any answer about Mariah Carey, singing two of her choruses, which caused amusement and embarrassment.  I also knew an answer about "Gone With the Wind" (first color Best Picture), which is not exactly obscure, but under the circumstances was extremely suspect.  As with Saturday's fest, I played some country on the way home.

The toilet is fixed; I succumbed and called a professional, which is bad for my pride and checkbook (guess which one is the kicker), but it is fixed, and I need not run downstairs to crap (though I do need the exercise).  So I guess it is progress.

I have to admit, watching/listening to the last two innings of the Tribe game yesterday was akin to the time I passed a kidney stone.  It's fascinating; Francona wants NINE men in the pen, but he is completely by the book when using them; it's like he wants to out-LaRussa someone in the 16th.  Odd.


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