Saturday, September 28, 2013


So, the Tribe continued its quest for postseason glory's funny; Chris Perez implodes, and the shit hits the fan, while Rich Hill pitches like he always does, and nothing.  Ok, he's had his moments, but Hill has been excerable all year, and yesterday was no different (also like Perez); couldn't locate his pitches, fell behind hitters, let all three inherited runners score, only earning an out.  I mean, you'd take a run for an out there, but...

Masterson pitched well, does seem that the Tribe will use him in that manner the rest of the way; he seems not to mind, which is useful (I am sure he is aware he is not stretched out for a start) and it does solve the closer problem, sort of...

I suspect Coburn is correct when it comes to the CR; whether or not this is a good thing, that is the question.  I think no one wants a shutdown, but no one wants Obamacare, be sure, when you run Mitt Romney -- of Romneycare -- you should expect that sort of thing, which is why the quixotic campaign of Ted Cruz is what it is...welcomed by a LOT of conservatives.  Whether you like it or not, he is running on some actual, serious, intelligent, principles, and he is showing conviction while doing so...which also seems to be rare among Republicans these days.


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