Saturday, September 14, 2013

What it takes

That Akron game...had they pulled it out, Terry Bowden would have been coach of the decade.  Now, it's just another game. 

For a day when I had nothing to do -- I even pawned off OC duty -- I have been all over; I mean, I even slept in til 9, and then I ended up taking Mom to lunch and shopping, and then some other places, and then home to clean's like the day is done.  Odd how that works.

I am still going through Cramer; I mean, it IS 1,000 pages, and the text is in tiny font, and there is a lot of stuff there you have to read, not just know and absorb, but interactions and dialogue where you have to get all the angles, is going.  I do like, it does fascinate me, and...well, I don't know.  I realize Lee Atwater is completely hated, but really want someone like that NOT running your campaign?  This is bloodsport, for Christ's sake.  It is odd, because no one wants to go negative, or be negative, but sure enough, someone has to do, and it is interesting to see how these people dance around the concept.  I guess, being me, I would go for the kill first and finish the job at once, but...


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