Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I am fascinated by the news...first, politics.  I think the recall votes in Colorado were the things that are going to be over-emphasized and under-emphasized.  The overs:  it was only two seats, they didn't flip the state house, it was a special election in an off-year, you only got the pissed voters, and who really gives a shit about two state senate seats.  All true.

On the other hand...the anti-gunners were outspent by a hefty margin, had a paper advantage in registration, all of the establishment for them...and lost.  You really can't wash that away.  I noted that the CO GOP is already gunning for a laundry list of changes for the next election, which bodes poorly, given that 1) They have to win; 2) They've put up shitty candidates lately, which negatively affects 1; and 3) All those promises might piss people off.  Especially because if you think about it, last nite's wins were exactly how the GOP can put together winning, cross-ethnic appeals...stress personal freedom, personal responsibility, but man, that government is really getting into your personal life, aren't they?  Looking at some of the data, it did seem the GOP outperformed where it has lagged lately.

Next, the Oklahoma State Scandal -- and now the yahoo sports/SEC scandal -- are going everywhere.  I would argue that if things are as bad and as pervasive as they seem, this is a death penalty case, though they would never do it.  To be sure, this shit prolly happens everywhere, but they don't get caught at it, either because they hide it better or more likely, people are paid enough to shut the hell up about it.  For good; obviously, this has NOT happened here, so here come the long knives, and I for one am shocked, shocked, to discover that Les Miles is engaged in...shenanigans.  As an aside, I am not sure about paying players, but...for all the talk of them being poor and exploited, one seldom reads of how they use the money to pay for food and rent and sending home to Mom (and seldom Dad); it's always for tattoos and girlfriends and video games and other...well, not exactly necessities.  I know most 19-year-olds are extremely spendthrifty, particularly those who were raised in that culture of entitlement, but....paying said 19-year-olds seems to NOT solve the issue.

Interesting...I am not sure about Gladwell's conclusion however, given that 1) People have to do a lot of things that are bad for them and they are around, and 2) I think that when people understand the risks and do them anyways...well, it becomes a pass for everyone else involved NOT to give a shit, either.


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