Tuesday, September 03, 2013


Well, I think it is official:  I have a cold.  At least, I hope it is a cold and not something more sinister (AIDS always come to mind, for no real reason).  I suspect it was the sleepless weekend -- awaking at 6:30 Monday was a nice touch -- and the general running around and mucking about like a teenager (well, not quite).  Hopefully the Tribe will oblige me and win early so I can get to bed a little sooner and try to get some extra shuteye.

I finished up Apulius today -- ok -- and started Cramer's What It Takes, his famed account of the 1988 Presidential campaign.  It is quite long, and the text is in 3-pt. font, so I think it is like 1,500 pages, and not the 1,000 or so it is printed upon, so...we have a slog.  But an interesting one; that it is, a LOT of backstory.  Character is everything, I guess, and it certainly is in this book.

The Syria situation amuses me, because for all of the hem-hawing from Obama about the conduct of W in the Middle East....well, it seems that Barack has done exactly what W would have done, except, of course, when he has been worse.  Call me surprised, of course.


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