Monday, September 23, 2013

Tribe time

I went to a Tribe game Saturday nite...stood on the porch, my favorite spot, even if the legs were a little sore.  Kazmir was dealing; he was helped out by the strike zone -- the righties used by Houston did not get the border calls, and it was a tight zone -- but he seemed to have good command and the fastball had a bit extra zip.  The 6 pm game was sweet, mainly as I wanted to get home and try to sleep.  The college kids standing near me getting tanked (at $9 a beer, good grief) didn't realize this until they looked up, saw it was 8 pm, and saw they had a looooong nite ahead of them.

In the meantime, playoff tickets are still available.  I am not surprised.  One, they're not a good deal; if I recall from the LAST time, you plunk down the cash -- so it is on your credit card for three months at 15% while it sits in the Dolan account earning 2% -- for tickets that could be for anything.  And, let's face it, the Tribe will have a hard time getting by the Rays, with their stable of good pitching.  I mean, let's face it, unless the manta escapes and eats the bullpen, you're not going to see Fauxto Carmona; you'll get Moore or Price (yes, we beat him before) or Archer or someone good.  If we are lucky, we run Ubaldo out there.  This gets you to the ALDS, where we face Oakland or Boston.  I think we matchup better with Oakland -- they seem to score less (ballpark-adjusted to be sure) which is a plus for our offense-challenged team.  It is exciting, but not that exciting.

I like this is cheaper than hiring someone and using all that gas, the sheep can become wool or mutton (not directly on the former), plus you don't have to feed them...on the other hand, any union worth its salt is NOT going to let this happen for said reasons.  Yes, I would enjoy seeing greenies and labor duke it out, but...I suspect that this sort of thing is why the program wouldn't see much expansion.

Tomorrow is the work cookout to celebrate football season, and we are to wear the jerseys of the teams we I am torn between my Duke LAX shirt and my Milton Bradley Dodgers jersey.  Of course, I can always wear both.  :)


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