Tuesday, October 22, 2013


The Black Madonna Mass tonite was pretty awesome (in both senses); full ensemble cast, Bishop, incense, music (for once acceptable), two priests with Communion...I do like the quick ones, but a High Mass like tonite's is good for the soul once in a while, I would say.

The BCS standards are out, and Buckeye Nation is crapping themselves over the prospect of going 12-0 and not making it...well, play someone.  I mean, Cal is ok, and they do get some credit for scheduling Vandy (who backed out, spurring the A&M debacle, points-wise) but the rest of the schedule was somewhat excerable, and given the weakness of the conference...I don't feel a lot of sympathy.

Sort of like these people; I mean, you voted for Hope and Change -- twice -- so you really deserve to be poor and unemployed and futureless.  One takes a chance and blows it...well, sucks to be you, shitforbrains.


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