Sunday, October 13, 2013


And just when I thought baseball couldn't be more exciting, it was...a one-hitter.  Nine million Ks, or something like that.  Another one-run game.  Runners on in the ninth.  Awesome shit all around, and I really don't think anyone felt anything but.

Today, oddly enough, I didn't do all that much -- read some magazines, finished a book, cooked some pasta, did some cleaning, worked on some administrative stuff for the OC...but here it is, nearly nine, and I am finally done with all of these little things.  The library pile has noticeably shrunk over the past few days, so what did I do but go and order some more?  Well, needs to be done.  In the meantime, next up is the bio on Calvin Coolidge I wanted to read for some time.

I noticed that Game Stop has marked down its game systems, and am really thinking about ordering one; on the one hand, I think adults shouldn't be gaming, and I don't have the time to do it.  On the other hand, everyone else does it -- including my friends -- and I have been talking for quite a while about being less involved with such things as the OC and doing more fun things, and this is ONE way to go and do it.  Then I think, there are better uses for the money....and we all know what that means, especially to me.


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