Thursday, April 16, 2015


Today was quite the day at work, and it will be for a few more days; I have to admit, it was sort of liberating to see the trainer and be put through the thumbscrews.

Interesting...I mean, I think this is largely correct, and Kasich is smart enough to get down while the first potshots get sent off, but I do wonder if the GOP primary electorate will look past the moderate record to vote for him; you get someone like Scott Walker, or even Jeb, and they have some real, conservative achievements; Kasich's have been more moderate...and the moderates have not fared well lately.

I figure I will watch a short tonite, just to go through the list; there was a J! question about the 2014 entrants, and I of course knew them all, even if I haven't seen them yet...but I thought it was quite cool.


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