Saturday, April 04, 2015


The year of crap continues; I took a bite of girl scout cookie and something popped out of one of my teeth (in the back of the mouth).  It does not hurt, thank God, but it does feel odd, as if something should be there, and I will now have to go to a dentist and get it replaced...hopefully, with as little pain and expense as possible.  Ugh.

I do like Easter; not ruined by commercialism, the weather is ok, bunnies are fun, lots of grub.... not sure exactly why, but I think I prefer it to Xmas, mainly because of its immediacy and its sense of the future (in every sense of the word).

Done some reading lately...finished the next book in the Nevins series, caught up on a magazine, and started the next one.  Considering my Gramm-Rudman budget I've put myself on, this is probably a wise choice...


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