Sunday, April 19, 2015


Interesting....I do wonder if it will take; I mean, plenty of people on the left and the right don't want their spending to be made public.

You know, I started putting away the winter blankets and things today; some will get a final washing for the "year" and the rest into storage.  It has been a long warming and all, I suppose.

I am almost done with Fragile by Design.  Quite good; they go on at length about the US and the Canadian banking systems, and one thing they seemed to note was the blithe disregard for standards and sound banking that has generally pervaded US banking throughout...well, the entire nation's history.  Much as you eventually run out of other people's money, disregard enough of the rules, and the shit hits the fan.  Equally unsurprising is the fact that all of the "solutions" to the problem -- such as Dodd-Frank -- don't solve anything; say what you want about Rand Paul and the audit the Fed campaign, it would actually do more -- in the airing of the dirty laundry -- than much of what was previously suggested.


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