Thursday, January 05, 2017


Man, that was a long commute; I left at 5:30, and it took me until 7 to get to Independence...of course, once I was officially on the West Side, the asshole driver population fell off dramatically; I mean, I was going 55 in the right lane, and was being passed with vehemence, with people going at least 75...the roads were the same quality (not bad), but it was impressive.

This is also impressive, mainly because it fits me to a T, perfectly...or a F-150, if you will.

This also amused me, though, to be sure, the point of living in a bubble is exactly stay away from everyone else...

Encarnation is a done deal, and this is good...not that I expected an issue, but it is a good sign of the team trying to improve off a good year; I've mentioned my general mehness about the team before, but the Tribe is pretty good, and with the division being a bit weaker, they should be able to pile up some wins.  Another LOOGY, or at least one they trust (Crockett seems not to be him) would be nice, I do admit, though.


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