Wednesday, December 21, 2016


No progress on the film list -- work and family affairs intervene -- but I may check one out tonight, depending on the time and the other stuff I have to do.  As always...well, I am not much of a Christmas person, but I keep finding it harder to get into the spirit of the season.  I prolly should force myself to go and find a tree, decorate, etc...just to do it.

I actually think this is pretty cool; privacy issues aside (and the public sector), this could really work...cheaper, more effective, more user-driven...I can see why the unions are opposed to it on multiple reasons, of course.

I always get a kick out of these things, mainly because of the "What the Fuck?" element to them.

Interesting; I think the main reason was because 1) HRC wasn't exactly liked and the voting pool that leaned left was a little smaller; some due to Hillary and some due to the fact that working class whites who felt abandoned by Obama went to Trump...and as I have said and said again, the challenge is keeping them.

I've generally noticed that the people who complain most about Rand have read her...the least.


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