Monday, December 12, 2016


Skipped the gym today -- knee is at 80 percent, but why push it, I figured, especially as I had to work and then did some Xmas shopping.  Rah.  I figure another day of rest and as much elevation as possible and we should be good...especially with winter coming and winter eating.  170 pounds!

Anyways, I finished season two of "Justified" and am eagerly awaiting what comes next from Netflix...I have three movies here at home from the list, and may hit one tonight...  Xmas cards to be filled out and the minor emails that come across the desk.  Alas, alack.

I was interested by the coaching hires -- Strong to USF, Kiffin to FAU.  Both going down in class, to use the horse-racing term, but I suspect they will do well there and in three years be somewhere else.  I guess I see it, but I've always wondered why guys don't stick around, build a program, and get job security...

This could be me, but as one who saw the Macs and the loose lending standards as part of the problem....I would think a slow selloff of bonds and a reimposition of strict standards would MORE than suffice.  I give Trump credit; most of the people being put in are those who will work to dismantle unnecessary government, and while it won't exactly cut spending enough...if these guys do what is expected of them, GOPers may find much to like about the guy yet.  Or, nyet.


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