Sunday, December 11, 2016


I decided to skip the gym today; it would have been leg day, and with the knee feeling sore...well, discretion is the better part of valor.  I elevated it last nite and will do so some more today... alas.  I may even get a nap in, just to minimize walking and to catch up on some rest -- the cold is there but ok, for now.

Watched two more films off the list (up to 491!) -- "Topaz" and "The Life and Times of Rosie the Riveter."  Both were about WWII, but this was not intentional.  "Topaz" concerned the internment of Japanese-Americans in Utah, while "Rosie" dealt with the lives of five women who took crucial wartime jobs...and then, once it ended, got kicked to the curb, even though they didn't want to go...I hadn't quite thought about that aspect of things.  My goal of 500 before the end of the year (or at least before the introduction of the next 25 films on the list) is still in striking range, I guess.

I think I am about 3/4 done with holiday shopping; have a few small items to get, some kid stuff, and a couple of miscellaneous items, but most of the big stuff has been handled, thank God.  I do need to wrap and/or bag some items...I note that I pretty much recycle them from year to year, which makes me wonder why I see 10,000 of them in the stores at this time of year...


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