Monday, November 28, 2016

Progress on Most Fronts

So, I didn't watch any films home slightly late due to work/errands/excellent day at the gym.  Then there were some family affairs that had to be tended to, and finally...well, I decided to plow through and finish All The King's Men.  It was good -- quite so -- but I was amused to discover that the parts I liked least (the interludes of character development) are those that the literary critics hold in highest regard....  I guess I preferred the political highjinks.  Anyways... there goes #36 on the MFL list.  A Faulker novel is next, so I think I will wait a bit before undertaking it.

Another good day at the gym; I realized that I've slept 7 hours or so the last two nights (maybe a little more) which I why I was able to push...the Saturday vow might be unconsciously playing a role, but rest and semi-proper nutrition...well, it does great things.  My low blood sugar has severely endangered the streak tonight, but I should be close, and ideally...well, I get in another seven tomorrow.  The next thing for me to do is to start adding exercises/calorie-burning now; I figure if I keep it up while the time is that of calorie intake/eating like a pig, I should be better once things settle down in January.  Honestly, I don't really think I can get to 170 again (I am carrying more muscle, and I eat too much crap) but 175 isn't impossible, and I would look a damned sight better...


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