Sunday, November 27, 2016


Hard to believe the long weekend is almost over... on the one hand, it flew by, on the other...well, I did do some stuff.  OSU party yesterday, up to 400 pages on the Warren book, and crossed four films off the list:
"The Kid," a 1921 Chaplin film showing him raising an abandoned child (Jackie Coogan, of all people).  Not as funny as his usual work, but more serious in tone, and still pretty good.
"Let There Be Light," a 1946 Huston documentary showing the treatment of mental casualties after WWII.  Interesting, of course, in that it humanized them and, well, there wasn't exactly a lot of positive stuff about treating the mentally ill at the time.
"The Learning Tree," a 1969 film about a black family coping with racism and life in 1920s Kansas; Dana Elcar of "MacGyver" had the role as the racist sheriff.
Finally, I just watched "The Life and Death of 9413, a Hollywood Extra," a 1928 silent short that satirized Hollywood of the time...very interesting, given its backstory, its avant garde nature, and its pretty cool backgrounds reminded me of the German cutouts of the early part of the century.

That puts me to 485, and I think I can easily make 500, given the many shorts on the list, the presence of most films on Netflix/the library, and, well, I suspect I own a couple more, if need there.  There will be a point in time when my search will have to stop, but...not now.

I killed myself at the gym this morning, both with the number of reps and the weight involved.  I am not exactly sure WHAT caused, but I did make a vow to Make Mattie 170 Pounds Again, so consider this a first and highly experimental step in that regard.


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