Thursday, November 24, 2016

The Bird

Thanksgiving has came and went and I've survived, more or less, for now...seconds of everything but dessert, which I think was the smart play.  Not eating anything else today, save for an attack of low blood sugar, and that is fine...the main issue tomorrow is getting to the gym and trying to avoid the mall crowds.  I was thinking of putting it off until the afternoon...

Crossed another film off the list last nite -- "Little Nemo," a short from 1911.  Interesting, cute...had to read about the history, always interesting.  I ordered a bunch from the library, so there is that...I had planned on starting Justified again, but the Netflix disk...alas, alack.  I guess it does allow me to spend a little time checking out the library swag on the quest for 500.

Started All The King's Men today -- getting back to the fiction list.  Starting slow so far, not sure I like it.  I've seen the film, which was sort of the same, but ended up being quite good, so I will keep at it.  I probably should put some time into THAT list, but I do have plenty of other thing to read, and fiction is the mixed bag, you know.


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