Saturday, November 26, 2016


That OSU game was something...I really don't think they made that last fourth down conversion, but....well, a win is a win.  Now they wait and see if they make it to the playoff...I think they are in, given the body of work, but it is iffy...I guess this is the definition of a bubble team.  :)

This was a cool article; I remembered all of these guys, had some on my strat teams...very sad, of course, to see when a player hangs it up -- I know I wouldn't, ever, at least until I had to, but it does mean a job for someone else...

About halfway through All The King's Men, and it is...better.  The pace has improved, the story, while at times a bit wandering, is a bit more focused, and I guess I do like the premise (political shenanigans).  It is a long one -- 650 pages or so -- but I put some time in it this weekend, and along with the reading at the gym, I think we are getting there...


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