Saturday, December 03, 2016


Not much progress on the film front; my uncle passed away Monday, and the resulting...festivities (theologically speaking) took some time -- wake, funeral, and a family food today I watched "Parable," a 1964 film short about, well, the death of Christ, symbolically.  Interesting...I watched a couple of scenes again just to look at some stuff.  Odd, too, given its date of production.

I like these stories, mainly because...well, I think they are interesting, and, well, if the white working class voters stay GOP...I suspect no one felt that white men without degrees would truck to the polls (literally), but they did.

A lot of you know that I am disdainful of the stuff about climate change, and this is why...I think much of the variation is simply random, with humans playing little role, and while we should work to reduce emissions and find alternative energy sources...well, at the end of the day...


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