Sunday, January 01, 2017


And, with that, 2017 is upon the morbidity category, I noted that about half of my life is...gone.  Ugh.  On the other hand...well, 2016 was ok; not great, not bad, a mix of both, as life so often is.  I ended the year by brunching with a friend and then heading out to a fest in Fairview Park, and it was fun -- far more than I expected.  The problem was today...namely, my colon entered the new year in record fashion this morning and has still been celebrating, if you get my drift, this PM.  The gym was not exactly a raging success, as the 10 hours of sleep I've gotten over the past two days really showed.  Alas, alack.  I was going to say nappies tonight, but "Sherlock!" is on, and, well, priorities!

Movie list is up to 509 with the viewing of "The Muppet Movie."  Cute, not quite my type, these uplifting kid films always depress me, but I got most of the celebrity cameos, save for Edgar Bergen -- didn't realize he was Candace's father -- so my knowledge bank was expanded.  Rah.

The Tribe is up to 10K in season tickets...good, I guess.  I mean, don't get me wrong, they are a good team, but I can't help but wonder...the OF is still unsettled.  Brantley might not be healthy.  Chisenhall/Guyer are good but not great; Naquin is still seen as a platoon guy, and if they do not resign Rajai...hmm.  They also have two crappy catchers, sort of... and I think we all know that I of the school that the rotation can always get an upgrade.

I don't really believe in resolutions, but I have decided to do something completely different this year...but I am not exactly sure what it is.  So if any of my readers have a suggestion, send it my way...


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