Sunday, January 19, 2020


Blogging two days in a row, people are going to think I am crazy; maybe I am, as I am sleepy and need to hit the hay, but...this could be me, but the weather was bad but not terribly so?  I mean, it's cold, and Saturday morning the drive was not particularly good, but... it does seem like out East it is far worse.  I could do without the cold and the wind, but by the weekend, it should be nice and warm again, and as rar as I am concerned...well, after last year's -5 stretch, this is fine.
This makes a lot of sense to me... to be sure, I am one of the small minority that does follow politics, all of these people are familiar to me, but I can assure you that in most cases, people do not...

Long but interesting; I sort of like this sort of thing, especially as it flies in the face of established wisdom.  I would think it bodes well for the GOP if he can hold those disaffected Democrats; whether or not it means the destruction of the political center in the US or not, that is another question...

This is longer but even more fun...


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