Tuesday, December 17, 2019


So...the trade.  Like many, I was...underwhelmed?  I mean, I think that deal is available at the trading deadline, if Kluber pitches...poorly.  If he pitches well, you get a better prospect haul, and we know how they love prospects... I guess I do not mind that it is a salary dump, but then don't tell me that it is anything but.  As I often say at work, I don't mind the BS, but don't lie to me.

In other baseball news, I love the Trevor Bauer tweetstorm over the MiLB contraction; he's right, for one... you'd think someone would point out that businesses never really grow by contracting, and this is a business like any other...

This, I thought was interesting, mainly because... well, I think what people on the left tend to forget, or not to realize, that this is the logical progression of their ideas/thought patterns.  I guess this is me, but -- wasn't the story about Daniel Boone that his neighnot was seven miles away and thus too close -- Americans like to move for all sorts of reasons, and if you can't stand your neighbors and their values... well, oh well?  I am not saying I want to live in this town, but if people who want to do, it would seem to be...anti-choice... to prevent it and castigate them.


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