Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Mattie Eats Leftovers and Does Dishes

 I finished off the chili today -- good -- and reduced the pie content around here by giving half of it to my sister, as I know my brother-in-law will enjoy it.  I should finish the rest by Thursday -- it is rich and sugary, and thus nibbles are best (it's not like I am a diabetic, or anything).  Anyways, for the third day in a row, I did dishes -- one thing about cooking, the clean up is impressive.  I mean, not that I had a lot (I did them every day), but this is normally something I do not do, and... well, the sink could use a break.  Funny, I am already thinking about what to make next...

I need to start doing two things -- one is to sleep more, the other is to get on some SVDP stuff -- reconnecting with Conference Presidents, trying to meet everyone, trying to get everyone to meet everyone else, figure out how to get more resources, and how to add Conferences.  These goals, as you can imagine, are sort of mutually exclusive, which is a problem....and neither are not going away.  

Take, for instance, the article in the PD today about how Cleveland (and East Cleveland) has some of the highest percentages of people without access to a car.  I can see this, in a limited manner, in the number of our clients who walk to the OC or carpool  It's a huge problem for some.  It's also a ministry opportunity... of course, we just can't give people cars, and figuring out a way to get people to purchase is the wettest (and most forlorn) of all dreams.  There is also a reluctance (understandable) to go into these areas, and, well, given that these people are Hope and Changers who vote for other Hope and Changers... they sort of deserve it.  But that is not the right attitude, either, and more importantly, we have to figure out how to get people the resources they need.  I confess there is no one good method; I think adding a few OCs would be the first step, but there is a dearth of parishes upon which to base them on the East Side (related to Hope and Changerism, of course), and at the end of the day we can't ignore that reality, either.  I guess I am thinking of a Bite and Hold approach, or something incremental based off our current operations...


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