Wednesday, August 09, 2023


 Here I am, technically trying to keep my blog streak alive!  Funny; I wanted to hit the gym this morning, ended up sleeping in, and now... I didn't go at all.  Maybe it was a rest day, but I do not like it, of course.  In the meantime, I did have a largely busy now -- another part-time job offer, two screens (two more interview requests answered), a full day of work at the current part time job (two projects were assigned to me, so I will certainly be hopping, which is good), a stint of Dr. Pimple Popper, and an SVDP meeting, which was fine -- a bit long, and maybe some of it could have been emailed or Zoomed, but mostly good.  It was at the usual Panera, so I drank plenty of hazelnut coffee -- if you are charging me $2.29 for it, I will put it away.  This was fine until I crashed in the afternoon...

Funny; not only are my mornings full, but now the weekend is, as well; people must assume I really do have free time out the wazoo now (technically true, I guess) and while there are certain budgetary constraints... well, there is no reason why I should not see or hang out with people (if possible).  Summer will soon be ending and no one will be going out as much.  Sad; seeing all the ads for school supplies and such, I have a decided feeling of meh-ness.

I missed a book on my list that I had read, so now we are up to 46 for the year.  I ordered a bunch from the Ohiolink page, as that availability will be cut off (mostly) while the library switches to some new system, which I suspect will NOT be as convenient as the old one.  To be sure, I am one for dry, academic, guns and war texts, but I doubt I am the only one.  In the meantime, I think I need to pound the books (and get through the dozen links I have, and the email pile to craft, to say nothing of SVDP development stuff I could be doing) to move the list up; I will have 2,000 pages by next week, and every attempt to read should be tried.


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