Tuesday, July 23, 2024

A New Streak

My streak of blogging ended yesterday; I must have had a post for about three weeks running.  No reason not to, just that I had a long day, hung out with a friend after work to solve the latest crisis, and when I got home I decided it was time for bed.  Not sleep, mind you, just bed.  I have the same problem tonight; tired but not enough to sleep, so here we are.

Actually, I was busy today; gym, errands, home in time for J! (I blew the final, very depressing), and then some work for the upcoming fest.  I need to text everyone and get a final count and maybe some more food items, but I did some more cleaning, took inventory of party supplies, and moved some stuff in the spare room to create space for the furniture I need to move out of the way for the poker tables.  I also spent some time on the phone trying to clear up the latest dental billing adventure (I want to be reimbursed for what I was billed... in case I was billed incorrectly in the first place).  Oi.  I have to admit -- and I feel like I am turning into my parents -- that while the people are incredibly helpful, the issue is getting a person.  The other thing is that the computer prompts expect you to wait for them to finish, and I used to shouting out answers -- J! style -- and that mucks up the algorithm (fix that!).  Oi.

It does seem that the Dems have a bit of momentum; funding is pouring in (the avalanche of Hollywood money), the base of the party is energized (non-white women), and I think she has some strengths against the Donald which she can exploit.  On the other hand, we are stressing -- rightly -- her role in the border and inflation, which is a strong card.  Nor is she terribly popular, not that Trump is.  I do not like it, of course, as the stakes are simply too high for us to fail.

In other news, the email inbox is lower than usual, and I have been able to get through the bookmark list faster than I have been adding them, which, as we know to me, is progress.  Amen to that!


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